Informal Hearings
Informal Hearings Lawyer
in Austin, TX
Most property owners are intimidated and overwhelmed by the process of protesting their property taxes. They don’t even know where to begin, let alone follow the process. Many of our clients fear that if they protest their property taxes and fail, the property taxes will automatically increase. Unfortunately, this uncertainty often leads to property owners not protesting their property taxes.
If you are one of these property owners, call us today. We would be happy to review the process and explain your options. For example, did you know that your appeal can be resolved at an informal hearing?
What is an informal hearing?
The first step in the property tax protest process is to actually file a protest. You can do this by sending a letter to the Chief Appraiser stating that you are protesting your property taxes. It is important to include that the reasoning is assessed value over market and equal appraisal.
After filing a protest, you will be notified of your informal hearing. This hearing is usually held at the appraisal district office with a staff appraiser.
These hearings usually last 15-20 minutes and at the end, the staff appraiser will decide on your protest:
- No adjustment can be made
- Offer to settle by lowering the assessment
It is important to note that many property tax protests are resolved at an informal hearing. And it is unlikely – though not impossible – that the appraisal district will raise your assessed value. If you are about to begin this process, call our experienced attorneys today to discuss your legal options. We can assist you through these complex transactions.