Formal Property Tax Hearings
Formal Property Tax protest Hearings Lawyer in Austin, TX
Formal hearings are slightly different than informal hearings in that there are more people involved. With a formal hearing, participants include three members of the appraisal review board (ARB), a staff appraiser from the appraisal district and the property owner.
If you are dissatisfied with the appraised value or feel there are errors in records related to your property, you can file a protest. This is done by completing Form 50-132, Notice of Protest with the ARB.
Much like the informal hearing, after filing your protest, you will receive notice of the formal hearing with the ARB. At this hearing, the ARB will listen to the property owner and the staff appraiser. After that, you will discuss your objections to your property value. After both sides have presented their evidence, the ARB will make its decision. If you are unhappy with the Board’s decision, it can be appealed in a Texas district court.
As we had mentioned before, most appraisal districts will have an informal hearing with you prior to a formal hearing to resolve the issue. Protesting the assessed value of your property taxes can be a very complex undertaking with numerous steps. Call Bukowski Law Firm today to get the experience, skills, and resources necessary to obtain the best result for your property.