Commercial Real Estate Attorney | Bukowski Law Firm | Austin, TX
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Property Tax Lawyer
in Austin, TX

It is no secret that the real estate market is on fire throughout the state of Texas right now. However, even though market values have skyrocketed, this shouldn’t necessarily mean you should pay more in property taxes each year. Assessed value and market value are very different. Market values fluctuate based upon the market whereas assessed value should be more steadfast.
Every April, the Chief Appraiser sends out a Notice of Appraised Value (NOAV), this is a detailed notice that contains a description of your property, its value, the exemptions, and an estimate of taxes that might be owed.
There have been recent trends by appraisal districts to be more aggressive in obtaining information on your properties, by finding sale information online and continually reviewing deed records. You must be prepared to fight back.

Many property owners are unaware that they can protest their market value. There are three steps in the property tax process:

Informal Hearings

Formal Hearings

Filing a Lawsuit

It's not an easy process to navigate, and you must be prepared.
Here at Bukowski Law Firm, we have the right data and are primed to argue.

Our clients include office buildings, apartment complexes, retail shopping centers, undeveloped tracts of land, and companies with significant business in personal property. The property tax lawyers at Bukowski Law Firm represent clients before Tax Appraisal Districts, various taxing entities, and State District Courts to deliver the highest quality representation.

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