Insurance Matters
Insurance Matters
The success of your business is your livelihood. This is why you get insurance – to protect you when things don’t go according to plan. However, we have found that some insurance companies are not easy to work with. These companies are in business to only make money, leading to the companies either low-balling or denying your claim. Our biggest piece of advice: do not accept no for an answer without speaking with us first.
Additionally, insurance companies have started using alternative dispute resolution. This now includes all facets of appraisal, arbitration, and mediation procedures. While this can be a great alternative to expensive formal litigation, it is critically important that you are well represented. Our attorneys will work with you to ensure your documents are prepared correctly, and we will help find the right people you need, working to resolve your claim by negotiating with the insurance company.
On the off chance, we cannot come to an agreement with the insurance company, we do not shy away from pursuing a lawsuit.
If you have had your insurance claim denied, call us today. You need someone on your side who will fight for you. Our experienced attorneys are fierce advocates who will not shy away from the insurance company.